Intermediate Cycle Workout - Sprint Intervals | 20 Minutes

If you're an intermediate level indoor cyclist looking for a quick, challenging workout, then Annelisa Moody's 20-minute cycle class is the perfect routine for you.

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Intermediate Cycle Workout - Sprint Intervals | 20 Minutes




If you're an intermediate level indoor cyclist looking for a quick, challenging workout, then Annelisa Moody's 20-minute cycle class is the perfect routine for you. This workout is designed to improve your cardiovascular fitness, build strength, and increase your endurance, all in just 20 minutes. So, let's get started!

Workout Length:

20 minutes

Workout Level:


Product Used:



Annelisa Moody


Workout Details:

Start with an easy ride and with some simple shoulder rolls to loosen up your upper body and get your blood flowing. Roll your shoulders forward and then backward, switching directions every 5 seconds.

Gradual Climb: Next, gradually increase the resistance on your bike and maintain a steady pace. This should feel like a moderate climb, and you should aim for an RPM of around 60-65.

Standing Jog: Add some resistance and transition into a standing jog. Keep your core tight and your upper body still. Aim for an RPM of 60-65.

Seated Climb: Next, add more resistance and transition into a seated climb. Keep your shoulders relaxed and your chest lifted. Aim for an RPM of 50-55.

Flat Road Recovery: Recover on a flat road by decreasing your resistance and pedaling at a comfortable pace. Use this time to catch your breath and prepare for the next set.

Standing Jog and Seated Sprint: Alternate between a standing jog and a seated sprint with moderate resistance. Aim for an RPM of 60-70 during the standing jog and 80-90 during the seated sprint.

Heavy Resistance Stand and Seated Push: Add heavy resistance and alternate between standing and seated positions, pushing hard on the pedals. Aim for an RPM of 50-55 during the standing push and 60-65 during the seated push.

Flat Road Recovery: Recover on a flat road by decreasing your resistance and pedaling at a comfortable pace. Use this time to catch your breath and prepare for the next set.

Standing Endurance Run and Seated Sprint: Alternate between a standing endurance run and a seated sprint with moderate resistance. Aim for an RPM of 60-70 during the standing run and 80-90 during the seated sprint.

Finally, cool down with some shoulder rolls and a hamstring stretch. Sit on your bike and extend one leg out in front of you, keeping your foot flexed. Lean forward from the hips to stretch your hamstrings. Repeat on the other side. Finish with a hip extension stretch to release any tension in your lower back.

Congratulations, you just completed Annelisa Moody's 20-minute intermediate cycle class! This workout is a great way to challenge yourself and improve your fitness when you're short on time. Remember to listen to your body and adjust the resistance and speed as needed. Happy cycling!


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1 comment

Marie Smith

Thank you A! I am post surgery for about 4 months. I was not sure if I would enjoy cycling again. You are my first attempt this year! I am sweating. I am drinking water. I am happy and I am on my road to recovery!!!